.NET Framework 4.6.1 (Offline Installer) for Windows 7 SP1, 8, 8.1, 10, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, 2012 and 2012 R2 (x86 and x64) - (Multiple Languages)

File Name mu_.net_fx_4_6_1_for_win_7sp1_8_8dot1_10_win_server_2008r2sp1_2012_2012r2_x86_x64_7277558.exe
File Size 64 MBytes
SHA1 Hash 83D048D171FF44A3CAD9B422137656F585295866
SHA256 Hash
File Type EXE
Architecture x64
Language German
Release Date 2015-11-30 00:00:00
Product ID 1918
File ID 66482

This is an offline installer. There are separate installers for web and offline installation. If you intend to redistribute either of these installers in the setup for your own product or application, we recommend that you choose the web installer because it is smaller and typically downloads faster. You can download the web installer here. Wherever possible, Microsoft recommends you use the Web Installer in lieu of the Offline Package for optimal efficiency and bandwidth requirements. The offline package can be used in situations where the web installer cannot be used due to lack of internet connectivity. This package is larger than the web installer and does not include the language packs. You can download and install the language packs from here.

Where is the download?

Apart from the Windows and Office downloader we don't provide any downloads. However, the information on this page will help you find a trustworthy download on Google instead. You can proceed as follows:

  1. Search Google for the metadata given on this page, such as the SHA1 Hash, SHA256 Hash or the File Name.
  2. Go through the search results, and download any file that seems to match this product.
  3. To avoid receiving any tampered downloads, compare the File Size and Hashes of your file with the information on this page. You can calculate the hashes of a file using 7-ZIP for example.

Start your search by pasting a hash or the file name into the Google box here (opens in a new tab):

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